TriVO Pursuits: A voiceover and trivia show
Three voiceover actors, one game of trivia. Join us as we talk about our voice over careers and try to win some trivia along the way.
Follow Matt: www.bigbaldvo.com
Follow Rider: www.volifecoach.com,
Follow Mandy: www.mandyofish.com, www.astoriaredheadvoiceover.com
TriVO Pursuits: A voiceover and trivia show
S2 Episode 7: We Still Don't Know What Donovan Corneetz Would Do For a Klondike Bar
Voice of the Today Show and the Washington Commanders, among other things, joins the crew in the Trivia Thunderdome. And despite being the voice of a Klondike Bar commercial, he still wouldn't reveal what he would do for one. Also, bunny strangling?!
Find us on instagram: https://instagram.com/trivopursuits
Find us on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@trivopursuits
Follow Matt: www.bigbaldvo.com
Follow Rider: www.volifecoach.com,
Follow Mandy: www.mandyofish.com, www.astoriaredheadvoiceover.com